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9 publications

Name Date Type Actions

Status Vetoquinol

Updated following report of decisions taken by chief executive officer march 18Tth, 2011
UPDATE : 2022/05/19

18/04/2011 Status

Annonce de la fin de la période de stabilisation (french)

11/12/2006 Ipo

Exercice intégral de l'option de sur-allocation (french)

11/12/2006 Ipo

Vetoquinol Succes IPO (french)

17/11/2006 Ipo

Visa AMF (french)

06/11/2006 Ipo

Note d'opération n°06-388 (french)

03/11/2006 Ipo

Initial public offering: Eurolist of Euronext Paris

03/11/2006 Ipo

Enregistrement du document de base (french)

23/10/2006 Ipo

Document de base n° I-06.165 (french)

20/10/2006 Ipo