Vetoquinol Universal Registration Document 2019

1 4   Vetoquinol  Universal Registration Document 2019  Financial report PRESENTATION OF THE GROUP Message from Matthieu Frechin, Chief Executive Officer Our dynamic and innovative family business has proved the merits of its unique positioning and expertise as well as its ability to forge lasting ties with loyal customers. Strong teams, flexible organization and perfect understanding of our customers are the buil- ding blocks with which we are shaping the future of our company. I believe that one of the key factors for our future lies in the way we build our offering alongside our customers: together, we will help feed the planet in a sustainable manner and enhance the lives of pet owners in the company of their beloved animals. In this vision in which our offering includes not only drugs and non-medicinal products, but also diagnostics, services and digital tools, one goal is particularly close to my heart: develo- ping partnerships. As a trusted partner, we will provide even more support to our customers in managing their daily concerns. In today’s open and rapidly changing world, we cannot claim to be able to do everything oursel- ves or to possess all the expertise we need within the confines of our walls. Our ecosystem is huge and offers us countless opportunities to develop the best products and solutions for and with the help of our customers. Besides building this vision, we have worked on our corporate values and I am happy to uphold values that have been established collectively through the contributions of so many of our employees. We have chosen three values to help us achieve more together: trust, dare and collaborate. All of our daily actions, attitudes and interactions with our partners are guided by these three core values. Matthieu Frechin Vetoquinol CEO 1.1 Message from Matthieu Frechin, Chief Executive Officer