Vetoquinol Universal Registration Document 2019

1 PRESENTATION OF THE GROUP Vetoquinol, your trusted animal health partner Vetoquinol  Universal Registration Document 2019  Financial report   5 1.2 Vetoquinol, your trusted animal health partner Founded in 1933, Vetoquinol is a leading global animal health company. Vetoquinol designs, develops, manu- factures and sells drugs and non-medicinal products for food-producing animals (cattle and pigs) and pets (dogs and cats). A top 10 global veterinary pharmaceutical company, Vetoquinol combines sustainability, growth and res- ponsibility while pursuing its human adventure. Vetoquinol enriches human lives through devotion to animal health and welfare 1.2.1 Business overview Vetoquinol develops, manufactures and sells veterinary drugs and non-medicinal products exclusively dedicated to animal health. In response to the sweeping changes affecting the veterinary profession, Vetoquinol, a leading supplier, offers its customers all-inclusive solutions encompassing not only pharmaceutical and nutritional products, but also diagnostics, digital applications and services. Vetoquinol has chosen to focus on a range of products entitled the “Essentials”, products with strong growth potential that meet key requirements for pet owners and cattle and pig breeders identified in the veterinary pro- fession. They are intended for sale worldwide and their scale effect improves their economic performance. The Vetoquinol story began in France. Now, almost 90 years later, Vetoquinol products are marketed in over 100 countries including 24 countries in which Vetoquinol has direct operations. France accounts for less than 15% of Group sales. The USA is now Vetoquinol’s No. 1 market. While Vetoquinol manufactures and sells a number of products that are covered by patents, in most cases the active ingredient has entered the public domain. However, harnessing its expertise and the results of its research work, Vetoquinol applies innovations to these freely available molecules in terms of galenic form or formulation which differentiate its products and gives them far-reaching competitive edge. Vetoquinol is an active member of national (in the coun- tries where it has a subsidiary), regional and global organizations that represent the profession. In parti- cular, Vetoquinol is a corporate member of Health For Animals and Animal Health Europe, two associations in which all leading global veterinary pharmaceuticals are represented. Vetoquinol, which has devoted its activities exclusively to veterinary medicine for almost 90 years, is fully engaged in the service of vets, animals, pet owners and breeders. A sustainable business that targets four species repre- senting 80% of the world market, the Group has a balanced risk profile at all levels. Vetoquinol sales in 2019 were evenly balanced between the pet and food-produ- cing segments.