VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2007 (year 2006)

A KEY PLAYER VÉTOQUINOL’S RELEVANCE IN RELATION TO MEDICINAL PRODUCTS • Pharmacovigilance or drug safety monitoring is now obliga- tory. Even before this became compulsory by law, Vétoquinol was pioneering this type of scheme back in 1989. This enabled the group to note, on a case-by-case basis, instances of ineffec- tiveness or side effects in its products whose reliability has been proven for over 15 years. • Epidemiological surveillance involves monitoring the sensitiv- ity of bacteria to antibiotics. This is why products need to be both long-lasting and effective. Monitoring the drugs which make up a good part of turnover, such as marbofloxacin, is vital for Vétoquinol’s development. Since 1994, Vétoquinol has been collecting pathogenic strains in the field in 8 European countries, with the assistance of 32 veterinarians and as many laboratories. It then tests their sensitivity to its own and rival products. Currently, no other lab- oratory has such a good independent stock of bacteria. VÉTOQUINOL EXPLORES A SUBSTANCE’S FULL POTENTIAL, CAPITALISING ON EVERYTHING IT KNOWS ABOUT AN ACTIVE PRINCIPLE” BERNARD BOISRAMÉ DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT ” T he process of developing a new product, which is long, costly, arbitrary and strictly regulated, requires considerable funds. Vétoquinol R&D employs about one hundred researchers in a specialist centre in Lure, France. With their expertise, a budg- et amounting to 7% of turnover, as well as strict management, world-class products can be developed. There are about twenty projects in the R&D portfolio, mainly involving innovative galenic formulations and substances which have not yet been used in animal health. • In the area of anti-infectives, the group is trying to improve the life cycle of marbofloxacin (an oral or injectable anti- infective). The aim is to obtain a single treatment for two important diseases affecting pigs. • In the area of pain and inflammation, one project consists of treating chronic and acute pain in companion animals. This product is scheduled for launch in 2010. In the field of sur- gery, a treatment for companion animals should be available from 2008. • In the area of cardiology and nephrology, the group is working on a support for renal function in companion animals which is due to be marketed in 2007. A product for treating cardiac insufficiency in dogs is due to be launched in 2011. The group’s researchers explore all possibilities leading from the active principle to the animal, making the treatment as effective, acceptable and easy to administer as possible. They regularly demonstrate innovative skills and focus on short and reactive development processes. STEPPING UP RESEARCH TO STAY TOP IN INNOVATION In 2002, Vétoquinol spent 5 million euros modernising its strate- gically important research centre in Lure. This complex includes a unit for manufacturing batches used in clinical trials. It complies with EU recommendations on Good Laboratory Practice and Good Manufacturing Practice. It has all the necessary equipment to enable the R&D teams to express their creativity on behalf of the customer, while respecting people and the environment. 24 - 25