VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2007 (year 2006)

INTERVIEW we will continue to improve our profitability by establishing more modern manufacturing facilities and ever more effective management tools. In conclusion EF: We plan to achieve significant growth in 2007 and our listing on the stock market will help us to do this. We are committed to a process of long-term growth to make Vétoquinol one of the world’s top ten companies for animal health. I am confident that every manager, every employee and, I hope, every Vétoquinol shareholder will do all they can to achieve this objective. VÉTOQUINOL’S LONGEVITY IS A RESULT OF ITS GROWTH AND ITS LONG TERM PROFITABILITY ” ” A GREAT STEP FORWARD ÉTIENNE FRECHIN, PRESIDENT part and parcel of our growth, both at home and abroad. Our employees are very attached to the company. In France, they proved this last November when 75% of them bought shares in the FCPE – a company investment fund, set up for salaried staff when we were listed on the stock market. How do you think the animal health sector will change? EF: There will probably be a significant change in the market. Firstly, major pharmaceutical groups are considering hiving off their animal health business to concentrate on human treatment. Secondly, companion animals are increasingly being treated in a similar way to people. What is the role of Research & Development? EF: Our company’s flagship is Research & Development and its remit is to develop curative treatments. Our approach is to fully exploit our main active principles, by capitalising on what we know about them. We believe new high-performance and innovating products are essential for growth. What are your goals for 2007? EF: Our objectives are clear. We want to expand our global product coverage and take advantage of any potential economic growth by being commercially more competitive. This is why we now have a direct presence in South Korea and are redoubling our efforts in the United States. In February, we opened a subsidiary in Portugal; others shall soon follow in Scandinavia, China and, subsequently, in Italy. Of course, we will continue to develop new products: we have over twenty promising projects in our portfolio. Finally, 2 - 3