VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2007 (year 2007)

#26 Activity report 2007 / The stock market A COMMITMENT TO SHARING INFORMATION Vétoquinol is pursuing its policy of sharing information in a dynamic, transparent way. Our web site,, gives privileged access to the Group and its activities. This site has up-to-date information about Vétoquinol in both French and English. IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT THE GENERAL MEETING Any Vétoquinol shareholder, regardless of how many shares he has, can attend and vote at the General Meeting. Each share entitles the holder to vote. For more information about attending the General Meeting either in person or by proxy (postal vote), visit the web site or contact the company directly. Vétoquinol’s capital on 31 December 2007 comprised 11,290,332 shares with a nominal value of 2.50 euros, fully paid, registered or bearer, according to preference. Vétoquinol and the stock market Vétoquinol shares are listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment B. DISTRIBUTION OF CAPITAL BY SHAREHOLDER CATEGORY as % - 31/12/2007 55% Soparfin 26% Public 9% Étienne Frechin Family 9% Other Frechin Families 1% FCPE + own shares SHARE CODES AND CLASSIFICATION Euronext Paris– Compartment B ISIN FR0004186856 Reuters VETO.PA Bloomberg VETO.FP Share price on 31/12/2007 27.35 € Market capitalisation on 31/12/2007 308,790,580 € Share price on 16/04/2008 22.80 € Market capitalisation on 16/04/2008 257,419,570 € FINANCIAL DATES FOR 2008 • 19 May 2008 - General Shareholder Meeting • 22 July 2008 - Half-yearly turnover 2007 • 27 August 2008 - Half-yearly results 2007 • 6 November 2008 - Turnover 3 rd quarter 2007 SHAREHOLDERS’ CONTACT Vétoquinol - Financial and Legal Department BP 189 Magny-Vernois - F 70204 Lure Cedex Telephone: +33 (0)3 84 62 59 88 E-mail: 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 Share price base 100 02/01/2007 02/04/2008 Number of shares traded — Vétoquinol Price I II I Vétoquinol Trading Volume — CAC All Shares Price SHARE PRICE TRENDS