VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2007 (year 2007)

Activity report 2007 / Corporate governance #27 A family-owned company with relevant Committees. The Managing Director, who is also Chairman of the Board, is responsible for the Group’s general management, assisted by the Deputy Managing Directors. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS , headed by its Chairman, sets the direction of the company’s business and ensures that it is followed through. The Chairman of the Board supervises the work of the Board and reports on this at the General Meeting. He ensures that the company’s bodies work properly and that the administrators are able to fulfil their duties. The Board of Directors comprises nine members, including two independent administrators. The Strategic Commitee, from left to right: Étienne Frechin (President), Christian Schirvel (Group Director - Business Development), Thierry Détrée (Group Director - Europe), Dominique Henryon (Deputy Managing Director), Christophe Chossat de Montburon (Group Director - Finance and Legal), Alain Chaptal (Group Director - Industrial and Quality), Pierre-Yves Colin (Group Director - Information Systems), Hans Hollegien (Group Director - Strategy and Customer Relation), Alain Cosnier (Group Director - Innovation), Isabelle Proust-Cabrera (Group Director - Human Resources), Matthieu Frechin (Deputy Managing Director - Strategy and Development), Dan Tasli (Group Director - International Development), Tom Robitaille (Group Director - North America). The COMPENSATION COMMITTEE examines compensation packages for the company’s directors and, if relevant, for employees in the Group’s companies. There are three people on the Compensation Committee. The STRATEGIC COMMITTEE formulates recommendations to the Board of Directors with regard to strategy, opportunities and prospects for growth. The AUDIT COMMITTEE is in charge of giving its views on half-yearly and yearly, consolidated and corporate financial statements. Corporate governance