VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2007 (year 2007)

#06 Activity report 2007 / The key indicators 2007, profitable growth, beyond the economic model In the last four years, turnover has increased by 28.6%, above the objectives of the economic model of the Group (4 to 5% of growth per year). CONTINUING SUSTAINED GROWTH in millions of euros With turnover of 233.4 million euros (+10.3%), Vétoquinol records the 3 rd growth in the market. With a constant perimeter and at a constant exchange rate, growth is 7.6%. A PORTFOLIO WITH A BALANCE OF SPECIES Growth applies to both products for companion animals (+18%) and for livestock (+3%, in particular cattle: +7%). Companion animals now make up 51% of Vétoquinol’s business, which is in line with the company’s wish to keep a portfolio with a balance of species. 70% Europe 25% North America 5% Rest of the world DIVERSIFICATION IN GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS There has been rapid growth in turnover in North America (+19.4%) benefiting both from the development of existing ranges and the acquisition of Vet Solutions at the end of 2006. In Europe, organic growth has been sustained (+8.1%), particularly in France (+9.3%). 181.5 2004 196.6 2005 211.6 2006 233.4 2007 51% Companion animals 29% Cattle 14% Pigs 6% Other