VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2010 (year 2009)

ACTIVITY REPORT 2009 15 The global Animal Health market (US$19.2 billion in 2008) is divided between livestock (cattle, pigs, poultry and sheep) and companion animals (cats, dogs, horses and exotics). Vétoquinol generates 50% of its revenues from livestock and 50% from companion animals. This balance is the result of a deliberate effort to promote profitability and efficiency by controlling risk. The Group is thus in a position to mitigate the impact of the cyclical crises that affect livestock while benefiting from the dynamism of the companion animals segment. LIVESTOCK A SIZEABLE MARKET The livestock sector represents 59% of the world market and involves large sales volumes. Maintaining a very significant share of its business activities in this sector allows Vétoquinol to optimise the usage rate of its production facilities. The Group currently offers the widest range of cattle health products, along with proven products for the prevention and treatment of swine diseases. By targeting both types of husbandry, Vétoquinol manages to smooth out fluctuations in their respective markets and to maintain high sales volumes at all times. COMPANION ANIMALS WELL-BEING ABOVE ALL The companion animals segment, which is the second largest, with 41% of the market, is characterised by higher added-value, as well as by steady growth in mature countries and rapid development in emerging countries like India or China. In this sector, the emotional ties that pet owners have to their companion animals are fundamental. Vétoquinol therefore not only develops its products with improved effectiveness in mind, but also ease of administration, particularly by working on the palatability of its products. A SPECIAL CASE HORSES Horses represent a very specific segment, on the border between livestock and companion animals. For this reason, Vétoquinol treats man’s greatest conquest as a special case. With Equistro ® , the Group offers a very wide range of medicinal and non-medicinal products specifically designed to promote equine health and well-being. FEBRUARY A SPECIALISED TECHNICAL SERVICE FOR CATTLE AND PIGS The French Livestock Department has launched a service called “Vétoquinol Contact: Technical Services”, which offers tours of breeding farms, breeders’ meetings and telephone support. This service has been designed to develop and expand the use of and confidence in two of the Group’s key products, Marbocyl ® and Tolfine ® . It provides practical answers to the problems of rural veterinarians, through a team of experts specialised by type of livestock (pigs and cattle). A dedicated website will be launched soon! OUTSTANDING EVENTS > Vétoquinol has committed to a three- year partnership with the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, a secular institution of international renown, which welcomes VÉTOQUINOL IN THE SADDLE WITH THE VIENNA RIDING SCHOOL several hundred thousand visitors every year. The Equistro ® product range will contribute to the good health of the Lipizzaner horses bred at the Piber Federal Stud Farm (Austria). This partnership is in line with the strategy of developing the reputation and image of the Equistro ® product range.