VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2010 (year 2009)

ACTIVITY REPORT 2009 17 LURE (France) 10 million sales units per year intended for the global market. Specialities: injectables, tablets, non-sterile liquids and powders. TARARE (France) the site specialises in non-medicated products. It serves all markets, including the United States, for non-pharmaceutical products such as Ipakitine ® . GORZÓW (Poland) two plants produce numerous pharmaceutical forms (injectables, powders, pre-mixes and liquids, etc.) intended for all European and major export markets. FIVE PRODUCTION SITES MARCH VÉTOQUINOL CANADA RESTRUCTURES ITS ORGANISATION The commercial branch of Vétoquinol Canada has been reorganised into two Business Units: one dedicated to companion animals, and the other to livestock. Each Business Unit manages its own marketing, technical and sales activities. However, the other functions remain shared by both Business Units. OUTSTANDING EVENTS Production/distribution Subsidiaries Distribution subsidiaries Sales offices Headquarters PRINCEVILLE (Canada) the plant, which is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is dedicated to liquids, gels and powders. A specific building is devoted to penicillins. The site mainly supplies Canada and the United States. It also ships to the rest of the world through the export department. FORLI (Italy) the plant specialises in pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical pre-mixes (powders, granules and liquids). It processes an average of 20 tonnes of products and 25 batches per day. It mainly supplies the local market and North Africa. THANKS TO THE CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME, PRODUCT AVAILABILITY LEAD TIMES HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY AN AVERAGE OF 25%. •