VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2010 (year 2009)

ACTIVITY REPORT 2009 25 Vétoquinol distributes its products in more than one hundred or so countries through 23 local companies and its network of distributors. Traditionally well-established in Europe, the Group has been present in North America since the late 1990s and continues to grow there, particularly in the United States, the world’s largest market. At the same time, Vétoquinol is looking to conquer emerging markets with high growth potential. After opening a marketing office in China and a subsidiary in Korea in 2006, the Group established a strong presence in Italy, Europe’s 5 th largest market, in 2008. The roll-out of its network assumed a new dimension in 2009 with the acquisition of the Wockhardt Ltd Animal Health Division in India. Other opportunities to establish or expand the company’s operations are now being sought in China and Brazil (the world’s 2 nd largest market). THE BENEFITS OF DIVERSITY In order to improve the integration of employees in its new subsidiaries, Vétoquinol adopts a management approach that values skills, based on a respect for differences. Around the world, Vétoquinol gives its teams the resources and the autonomy that are essential for meeting the specific requirements of each market, by remaining very close to their customers. THE POWER OF UNITY The sustained external growth policy has effectively doubled the number of Vétoquinol’s employees within a few years. In order to make sure that it is united, the Group relies first and foremost on respect for its founding values, which form an essential part of the annual performance evaluation process for each of its employees. Those values are also promoted by specific actions taken by the subsidiaries: seminars, posters, targets or competitions. A list of desired behaviours in terms of relations between departments, countries, services and colleagues has also been drawn up: the “Do’s and Don’ts” list. To promote internal dissemination and exchange of information, the Group’s intranet site was made accessible to most subsidiaries in 2009. > EUROPE: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine A PRESENCE IN 23 COUNTRIES > AMERICA: Canada, United States of America, Mexico > ASIA: China, South Korea, India 62% OF VÉTOQUINOL’S EMPLOYEES ARE BASED OUTSIDE FRANCE. IN THE VÉTOQUINOL STRATEGY AND CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP DIVISION, WOMEN AND MEN BELONGING TO SIX DIFFERENT NATIONALITIES WORK TOGETHER ON A DAY-TO-DAY BASIS. CHALLENGING A DECISION IS NORMAL AND HEALTHY IN A LIVING ORGANISATION. BUT AFTER THE ARBITRATION PROCESS, YOU MUST ACCEPT AND SUPPORT THE FINAL DECISION. Extract from the company “Do’s & Don’ts” DECEMBER FOUR APPLICATIONS FOR MARKETING AUTHORISATION IN 2009 Vétoquinol has filed four applications for Marketing Authorisation (MA): two of them relate to anti-infective products for livestock, while the other two concern medicines for companion animals. Issued on the basis of a very comprehensive dossier, the MA is proof that the product meets the requirements of health authorities in terms of quality, safety and efficacy. The probability of obtaining these authorisations is greater than 95%. The four new Vétoquinol products should therefore be marketed as early as 2011. OUTSTANDING EVENTS