VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2010 (year 2009)

ACTIVITY REPORT 2009 27 RMANCE THE GROUP MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Étienne Frechin (President & Managing Director) Dominique Henryon (Group Deputy Managing Director) Matthieu Frechin (Deputy Managing Director – Strategy and Development) Alain Chaptal (Group Director – Manufacturing and Quality) Pierre-Yves Colin (Group Director – Information Technology) Alain Cosnier (Group Director – Innovation) Dominique Derveaux (Group Director – Europe) Didier Peoc’h (Group Director – Research & Development) Hans Hollegien (Group Director – Strategy and Customer Relationship) Pierre Konareff (Group Director – Finance and Legal) Isabelle Proust-Cabrera (Group Director – Human Resources) Tom Robitaille (Group Director – America) Dan Tasli (Group Director – Asia-Pacific) The Compensation Committee reviews the compensation packages for directors of the company and, where appropriate, for the employees of Group companies. The role of the Audit Committee is to deliver an opinion on the interim and annual financial statements to the Board of Directors, in respect of the consolidated and parent company financial statements. Each of these two committees consists of three members, two of whom are independent directors. The Strategic Committee issues all recommendations to the Board of Directors in areas involving strategy, opportunities and development prospects. It consists of the following members: • the Chairman; • the Managing Director; • the Group Deputy Managing Director; • two independent directors. COMPLETE, ACCESSIBLE AND REGULAR INFORMATION The evolution of Vétoquinol’s business activities, as well as the company’s results and its strategy, are presented to analysts and institutional investors through semi-annual presentations, meetings (road shows) and conference calls. The annual general meetings represent ideal venues for individual shareholders. Continuity of information is ensured through the dissemination of specific press releases on significant events that occur outside regular publication periods and through announcements on the website. The website, which is updated on an ongoing basis, enables visitors to track Vétoquinol’s share price movements and to consult all the statutory financial information set out in the EU directive known as “the Transparency Directive”. 1 Association Française des Entreprises Privées-AFEP (French Association of Private Sector Companies); Mouvement des Entreprises de France-MEDEF (French Business Confederation)