VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2010 (year 2009)

VÉTOQUINOL AND THE STOCK MARKET Share Ownership Structure at March 1 st 2010 ■ 60.3 % Soparfin SCA ■ 5.2 % Frechin Family ■ 0.5 % Treasury stock ■ 33.4 % Free Float ■ 0.6 % FCPE (Employee Fund) UNSETTLED EQUITY MARKETS Equity markets were particularly unsettled in 2009, with significant fluctuations both upwards and downwards. “Small caps” were more affected by market volatility than stocks in the CAC 40 index. Despite the economic environment, the Vétoquinol stock has largely defeated the SBF 250 index. SHARE PRICE TREND Vétoquinol was introduced on the Euronext TM Paris Compartment B in 2006 Price relative to the SBF250 Index (rebased to 100) CODES AND INDICES ISIN: .................................................................................. FR0004186856 Reuters: ............................................................................................ VETO.PA Bloomberg: .................................................................................... VETO.FP Indices: .......................................................... CAC MID&SMALL 190 AS AT DECEMBER 31 ST 2009 Number of shares traded: ...................................... 11,292,632 Share price: ..................................................................................... € 22.30 Market Capitalisation: ......................................... € 251.8 million 160 140 120 100 80 60 12/31/2008 01/31/2009 02/28/2009 03/31/2009 04/30/2009 05/31/2009 06/30/2009 07/31/2009 08/31/2009 09/30/2009 10/31/2009 11/30/2009 12/31/2009 01/31/2010 SBF 250 Vétoquinol SHAREHOLDER CONTACT Vétoquinol S.A. – BP 189 – Magny-Vernois 70204 Lure Cedex – France Tel: +33 (0) 3 84 62 59 88 E-mail: FINANCIAL CALENDAR May 7 th 2010 ...................................... Annual Shareholders’ Meeting June 4 th 2010 ...................................................... Dividend Distributions July 20 th 2010 .................................................. 2010 Interim Revenues August 31 st 2010 ............................................... 2010 Interim Results October 19 th 2010 ................................ 2010 3 rd Quarter Revenues 28 REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS