VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2010 (year 2009)

06 COMPANY BACKGROUND Anticipating the social importance of companion animals, he developed a specific product range and the catalogue has continually expanded ever since: 80 specialities in 1948; 250 in 1970 and 700 today. A PATIENTLY WOVEN GLOBAL FABRIC At the same time, Vétoquinol was developing its exports. In the 1980s, 20% of revenues were already generated outside France. The company, which had 280 employees at the time, established an export department. Subsidiaries were opened in the Netherlands, Ireland and Belgium. In 2004, a marketing office was opened in China. Vétoquinol chose to weave its world-wide network through founding companies and through buy-outs. Its Initial Public Offering in 2006 enabled the company to strengthen its financial resources and expand into new markets. In late 2008, Vétoquinol reinforced its presence in Europe with the buyout of Ascor Chimici in Italy, while 2009 was marked by the acquisition of the Animal Health Division of Wockhardt Ltd. JOSEPH FRECHIN’S INTUITION For Vétoquinol, the adventure began in 1933, in a pharmacy in the Franche- Comté town of Lure, located near Germany and Switzerland. Joseph Frechin, the owner of a reputable dispensary, got hold of a large stock of oxyquinoline, an antiseptic developed by a chemist friend. His idea was to use this product in caring for animals. With the help of Charles Frechin, his father, a well-known veterinarian in the area, he conducted initial tests which proved to be conclusive. Christened Vétoquinol, the remedy became an instant success and was rapidly made available in many forms: tablets, pow- der, gel, oblets, intra-uterine tablets or creams. GATHERING RESOURCES AND DIVERSIFYING THE PRODUCT RANGE After World War II, the company’s development was driven by agriculture, where the primary aim was to rebuild livestock herds by relying increasingly on vete- rinary medicines. Even though the small family-owned and operated pharmacy remained Vétoquinol’s nerve centre, it progressively expanded to nine locations across the town and quickly came to employ around one hundred people. In 1962, Étienne Frechin joined the company founded by his father in order to devote himself to its deve- lopment. He consolidated its business activities in Magny-Vernois, very close to Lure, and diversified the product range. 1933 Launch of the Vétoquinol antiseptic by Joseph Frechin, a pharmacist in Lure 1984 Galvet Ltd founded in Ireland 1990 - 2000 • Acquisitions of Univet (United Kingdom), Antibioticos Pharma Vet (Spain), Austin, Dispar and Webster (Canada), Immunovet (United States), MECA (Germany) • Foundation of Vétoquinol North America and Vétoquinol Mexico • Launch of Marbocyl ® , an anti-infective (1995) 1977 Founding of Vetam, the 1 st foreign sub- sidiary, in the Netherlands 1963 Consolidation of the business in Magny-Vernois. 1987 • Launch of Tolfedine ® , an anti-inflammatory • Acquisition of Psyphac in Belgium 1980 Opening of the R & D Centre and creation of the Export Department THE VALUES OF A GROUP ON A HUMAN SCALE AUDACITY VÉTOQUINOL’S PROUD HISTORY