VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2011 (year 2010)

VÉTOQUINOL IS BUILT ON STRONG HUMAN VALUES. WE ARE AN ACCESSIBLE AND OPEN MINDED COMPANY. ABOVE ALL, WE STAY CLOSE TO OUR CLIENTS. WHAT IS THE MINDSET BEHIND YOUR APPROACH TO THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2011 AND WHAT ARE YOUR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND PROSPECTS? We will continue to remain attentive to the growth and evolution of our market with one obvious fact having already emerged: the market is more dynamic in North America and Asia than in Europe. While the veterinary clinics are growing in size, the veterinarians are increasingly joining forces and constituting their practices into networks. They are operating and evolving within a logical context of cost-sharing, and centralisation of purchasing. For our part, we too must adapt ourselves to these new organisations and support our sales forces in effectively adopting an approach oriented towards «Key Corporate Accounts». Our clients expect more than just products: they are demanding services, support, and training. The medicinal product is still the central issue, but the «add-ons» that we are able to deliver to them in terms of knowledge concerning the therapeutic field, providing assistance in diagnosis, for example, constitutes a real added value for us. This is also what differentiates us. Finally, as always, innovation is a strong pillar supporting growth and development for our Group. We devote 7.5% of our turnover towards these endeavours, thereby backing up our desire to bring to our customers new solutions every year. After years of testing and evaluation, conducted by our R & D teams, we are preparing to market several new products. The challenge now is to transform these product launches into real commercial successes: an intense and busy phase of activity lies ahead for all our sales and marketing force. WHAT MESSAGE WOULD YOU LIKE TO COMMUNICATE TO YOUR SHAREHOLDERS, YOUR PARTNERS, YOUR STAFF AND YOUR CUSTOMERS? Certainly the Vétoquinol story wonderfully chronicles the achievements of men and women who are dedicated to animal health and wellbeing, but whose work also promotes human health. The key to Vétoquinol’s success lies mainly in our people and our products. They represent the valuable resources and assets needed for growth. They uphold our values and our corporate culture and act as a powerful factor of internal cohesion, which has always distinguished us from our competitors. Solely focused on animal health, we have demonstrated a willingness to carry on with our activities while always seeking to improve ourselves, and pursue our development in markets having the potential for new growth drivers. Our spirited audacity enables us to step out of our comfort zones. We are driven by team spirit and supported by strong shareholders, who are very much a part of Vétoquinol’s history and tradition. I would also like to stress the importance of our partners who provide valuable support, both in the sourcing of active ingredients and excipients, as well as in the recruitment of clinical cases for our studies and tests and in the distribution of our products. Throughout the value chain, the experts with whom we work are fully involved in the success of our company. 03 Activity Report Interview with Matthieu Frechin, Vétoquinol CEO