VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2012 (year 2011)

FOCUS JUNE FARMAGRICOLA SA, A NEW GROWTH DRIVER BRAZIL – THE WORLD’S 2 ND LARGEST ANIMAL HEALTH MARKET The Brazilian animal health market represents 8% of the world animal health market. It is primarily geared to cattle, with a cattle population of 191 million (dairy and beef). The Brazilian market is growing strongly across all sectors, including the pet sector. With a population of 194 million and a surface area covering 50% of the South American landmass, Brazil, one of the BRICS countries (BRICS = Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) is enjoying a period of economic boom. 15 2011 ACTIVITY REPORT VÉTOQUINOL HAS ACQUIRED 100% OF FARMAGRICOLA SA, A FAMILY BUSINESS FOUNDED IN 1964 AND LOCATED IN THE STATE OF SÃO PAULO. • a production center with facilities for manufacturing the Vétoquinol range of liquid, semi-liquid and solid injectables. 02 > A company with solid fundamentals: • sales of around 18 million reals in 2010 (Ð8 million), up more than 10%, • products sold are predominantly anti-infectives and parasiticides, in line with the Vétoquinol range, • sales are primarily oriented towards the livestock (cattle) sector and offer interesting growth prospects in view of the immense resource constituted by Brazil’s cattle population, • teams comprising about 100 people are supported by around 40 external sales agents deployed throughout the main cattle-breeding areas, 02 FEBRUARY Launch of Zylkène ® , a 100%-natural nutritional supplement for calming dogs and cats. APRIL Distribution agreement signed with Janssen Animal Health for the distribution of Surolan ® , making Vétoquinol the market leader in the ear sector with the most comprehensive product offering in Canada: Surolan ® , Aurizon ® and Oridermyl ® . OCTOBER Fund-raising for Centraide Lanaudière: this Canadian charity organization aims to improve the lives of people, especially the most disadvantaged, and to foster mutual help, sharing, voluntary work and community spirit. The management of Vétoquinol Canada adds one dollar to every dollar raised by its employees. The latest fund-raising campaign took place in 2011 and raised a total of $10,010.