VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2012 (year 2011)

16 HIGHLIGHTS _ ASIA/PACIFIC India, business update following the 2009 acquisition For several years now, the Vétoquinol Group has been expanding its operations, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. The Group now has a direct presence in India, China and South Korea. Its products are marketed in other countries through its distribution partner networks. In fact, the Asian market does not consist of one single market but several markets with different characteristics. At the end of 2010, the market was estimated at $3.5 billion, making it the 3 rd largest market in the world after North America and Europe. It is dominated by four major sub-markets: China, Japan, Australia and South Korea. The Asian markets have differing degrees of maturity and may be categorized as follows in terms of their respective stages of development. • Thedevelopedmarkets (Japan, Australia,NewZealand, Singapore and South Korea) are characterized by extremely strict regulations, creating a considerable barrier to entry. The period of time necessary for obtaining marketing authorization is often long and the application process demands careful preparation. These markets are not very price sensitive. • The emerging markets (China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan) have differing regulations that are in the process of being tightened in certain countries. Price is one of the key drivers of success, as the Group is forced to compete with local manufacturers who are not necessarily required to comply with the same regulations. • The developing markets (Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc.), in which regulations vary and offer little protection. These markets are highly price sensitive. Vétoquinol is present on these markets, either directly through its subsidiaries (particularly in South Korea and India) or through a network of quality distributors (most countries in the region). JAPAN 01 > The Marbocyl ® 2% and 10% injectables, launched in November 2010, have made a promising start despite the tsunami that hit the country on March 11, 2011. The fact that Vétoquinol succeeded in obtaining mar- keting authorization for this flagship antibiotic on one of the most tightly regulated markets in the world is proof of the quality of its R&D teams and marks the culmi- nation of many years of scientific work carried out in partnership with the Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd. laboratory, one of the leaders in the Japanese veterinary market. SOUTH KOREA 02 > Aurizon ® , launched in 2011 in South Korea, has met a resounding success. Sales of Oridermyl ® have increased considerably. These two medicines will constitute the future basis of Vétoquinol’s ear product offering in South Korea. 01 02 * Source : Vétoquinol/Vetnosis 2010