VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2012 (year 2011)

Design and production: Keima Photos: T. Kuntz, S. Carnovali, Getty Images, Fotolia, Vétoquinol, D.R. Publishing Director: Matthieu Frechin This report is printed on PEFC certified semi-matt coated paper using vegetable- based ink and varnish. The printers are Imprim’Vert, PEFC and ISO 14001 certified.. Production and distribution subsidiary Distribution subsidiary Sales office Head office A global presence in 3 strategic territories Presentation 2011 Overview 01 Interview with the CEO 02/03 Governance 04/05 Strategy 06/07 Key figures and share information 08/09 2011 Highlights 10/11 Europe 12/13 Americas 14/15 Asia/Pacific 16 Contents