VETOQUINOL Corporate brochure 2012 (year 2011)

01 2011 ACTIVITY REPORT Vétoquinol is an independent veterinary pharmaceutical laboratory serving both the companion animal (dogs and cats) and the livestock (cattle and pigs) market. Operating exclusively in the animal health sector, the Vétoquinol Group is the 10 th largest animal healthcare laboratory in the world. 83% of its business, which involves the development, production and marketing of veterinary medicines and non-medicinal products, is conducted outside France. Since its foundation in 1933, Vétoquinol has successfully combined innovation and geographical diversification with talent. The Group’s “hybrid” growth has been achieved through the expansion of its product portfolio and the acquisition of subsidiaries in regions with high growth potential. Vétoquinol currently distributes its products in around 100 countries through subsidiaries located in 23 countries and a network of 140 distribution partners. A major independent group in the animal health market 1,750 employees in 23 countries 284.1 million euros of sales in 2011 10 th player 48% of Group sales Medical treatment for companion animals is becoming increasingly sophisticated and the sector is seeing steady progress in developed markets and significant growth in emerging markets. Because the emotional ties that exist between pets and their owners are so fundamental, Vétoquinol develops its products with a view to maximizing efficacy and to simplifying administration by improving the palatability of its tablets. 12% of Group sales 32% of Group sales T he li ves to c k s e gm ent re p re sen ts 60% o f th e w orl d m ar k e t a nd th er e f or e g e ne r at e s si g ni fi ca nt sal es v ol um e s . B y g ea rin g it s b u sin e ss to th e e c on o m i c l og i c u nd e r ly in g th is m a r ke t a nd by sp ec i fic all y t ar g et i ng th e c a tt l e a n d pig s s eg m e nt , V ét o qu in o l i s a b le to wi t hs t a n d m ar k et fl u c t u a ti o ns an d s ust ain th e h i gh vo l u me of s a le s re q u i red in or d er t o fi na n c e i ts c a p it a l e xp e nd it u r e n ee ds. A FOCUS ON 3 THERAPEUTIC DOMAINS AND 3 STRATEGIC SPECIES 43% Anti-infectives 13% Pain & inflammation 4% Cardio-nephrology 40% Other