Vetoquinol Corporate brochure 2013

,1129$7,21 DIFFERENTIATION THROUGH INNOVATION 35$*0$7,& 25*$1,=$7,21 Vétoquinol's R&D division, which was set up to meet demand for new products, is constantly evolving through a process of continuous improvement. It employs 150 researchers and technicians worldwide. $ /21* $1' &267/< 352&(66 Bringing new drugs to market is a lengthy process, which takes 5 to 7 years on average and requires the involvement of multidisciplinary teams and major expenditure ranging from € 1 million to € 15 million. The process is complicated and the outcome uncertain: only 5% of Vétoquinol’s new project launches actually end up as marketable drugs. $ 3520,6,1* ,1,7,$7,9( Vétoquinol's new "Technological Innovation" program covers most of the formulation issues encountered. This ensures that our understanding of the issues of efficacy, tolerance and treatment method will improve constantly. The highly innovative pharmaceutical formulation technologies developed under this program are applied to a variety of different dosage forms. This technology is employed for products destined for both pets and livestock. Through these technological advances, Vétoquinol develops the ability to meet the essential requirements of its customers by producing new generation drugs: modified release, enhanced bioavailability and making drugs more appetizing by disguising the taste of active ingredients. In order to boost market share, Vétoquinol constantly has to find a balance between incremental innovation, aimed at improving existing products, and radical research-based innovation resulting in new technologies and new product launches. INNOVATION MEANS TEAMWORK Formulation is the art of developing the pharmaceutical form of products from one or more active ingredients. The job of Vétoquinol's multidisciplinary team is to create unique formulations suited to the way in which the product will be administered and the prescribed dosage. They aim to provide maximum assurance of efficacy and quality whilst eliminating any harmful side-effects. The formulation stage is one of the key phases in the development of a new product. The development of the project involves close collaboration between several departments. This collaboration ensures that internal resources are combined in the most efficient way, maximizing synergies. Essential to the Group's success, it is a manifestation of one of Vétoquinol's fundamental values, teamwork, which is the key to its future prosperity. > INNOVATION > ANTICIPATION > ADAPTATION > COHESION Discovery and research of active ingredient • Selection of targets and pathologies • Research into new treatment possibilities • Research of active ingredient • Conception of a drug candidate Research Testing/ formulation Pre-clinical/clinical Registration Marketing 7+( /,)( &<&/( 2) $ '58* Screening Pharmaceuticaldevelopment Productdevelopment Pharmacovigilance Marketing authorization - 7 years on average > Phase 1: Testing and formulation • Determination of drug composition (formula) • Development of analytical methodology • Development of production processes > Phase 2: Pre-clinical development • Toxicity studies • Determination of dosage and pharmacological effects > Phase 3: Clinical testing • Testing for efficacy and potential side-effects • Definition of indications and contra- indications > Phase 4: Registration • Preparation of registration application, liaising with experts and regulatory authorities • Assessment of registration application by regulatory authorities 7 2 4 0 Marketing • Industrialization • Launch • Pharmacovigilance • Drug life cycle management Obtaining marketing authorization