Vetoquinol Corporate brochure 2013

62&,$/ &200,70(17 COMMITMENT NOW FOR THE FUTURE Through its services to animal health, Vétoquinol invests its skills and resources in the 23 countries in which it operates in order to promote economic and social development and environmental protection. 5(63216,%/( %(+$9,25 7+528*+287 7+( :25/' In 2008, Vétoquinol enshrined its approach to sustainable development in the form of a Guide to Good Business Practices. The guide sets out clearly what Vétoquinol expects of each of its employees, regardless of their rank or position: obedience to the law, compliance with the Vétoquinol code of conduct with regard to competitors, customers and suppliers, protection of the Group's assets and total avoidance of fraud, bribery and corruption. The guide is circulated to all employees and all Group establishments. 7+( (19,5210(17 285 6+$5(' 5(63216,%,/,7< As risk management is key to the Group's business, Vétoquinol has set up dedicated processes and teams in all production sites. The Group's HSE engineer (Health, Safety, Environment) carries out regular safety and environmental audits on each of the Group's production facilities. In view of the nature of its business, Vétoquinol endeavors to minimize pollution and optimize waste management. For example, the site at Lure in France has its own biological sewage plant, which is currently undergoing improvements. This should place Vétoquinol well ahead of the field in terms of treatment of pollutants. $1 $&7,9( 62&,$/ $*(1'$ Vétoquinol supports local communities through its involvement in and support of a large number of social, environmental and humanitarian schemes. • In Canada, through the Vétoquinol employees' organization of numerous initiatives in aid of Centraide, a charity that helps individuals and families to escape from poverty and exclusion. • In France, partnership with the French national employment agency (Pôle Emploi) at the Lure site. Results: hiring and one-year training cycle for 7 job-seekers, who will then take qualified jobs as technical operators in industrial and pharmaceutical production. This scheme is part of the company's policy to use alternative hiring methods to fill these highly specialized production positions. • Sponsorship of the "Animal Beauty" exhibition in the National Galleries of the Grand Palais, Paris in 2012. The Gaia Index is the first SRI index applied to French Small & Mid Cap companies. Set up in partnership with IDMidCaps, EthiFinance, the French Society of Financial Analysts (SFAF) and MiddleNext, the index consists of 70 companies selected in accordance with non-financial criteria from a pool of 230 French companies whose combined revenues add up to 140 billion. Among the companies with sales between 150 million and 500 million, Vétoquinol joined the Top 5 in 2012 ranking third.