Vetoquinol Corporate brochure 2014

672&. 0$5.(7 VÉTOQUINOL ON THE STOCK MARKET The company's successful listing on the Paris stock exchange in 2006 boosted its international reputation, which has turned into a powerful asset. The Group financial reporting policy aims at strict compliance with reporting best practices as officially recognized by the financial community. ,1,7,$/ 38%/,& 2))(5,1* $ .(< 0,/(6721( Vétoquinol's November 2006 IPOwas a keymilestone in the Group's development that has now opened the doors to additional sources of funding. The listing also considerably enhanced the Group's reputation, acting as a springboard for the creation of new partnerships. Regular financial reporting requirements for listed companies compel them to adopt strict procedures and maintain total compliance with the principles of financial transparency. Vétoquinol has successfully implemented the required procedures and has gained strong credence amongst its customers, bankers and investors in France and worldwide. Vétoquinol now has a large number of French and foreign investors, each of whom plays a vital role in the Group's development. *22' *29(51$1&( $ *8$5$17(( 2) 6867$,1$%,/,7< >The Board of Directors The Group is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and transparency, as shown by its adherence to the AFEP-MEDEF code of corporate governance for listed companies. The Board of Directors consists of eight members, including two independent members. It is chaired by Étienne Frechin, who has been in charge of the operational management of the Vétoquinol Group for over 30 years. The audit, compensation and strategy committees supply additional information to the Board members. The Boardmeets at least four times a year andwhenever the company's interests so require. >The Executive Committee The Executive Committee is the solemanagement body of the Vétoquinol Group. It is chaired by Vétoquinol’s CEO, Matthieu Frechin. He is responsible for managing Group operations and is assisted in this task by eight other members. The Executive Committee meets once a month. It takes all the necessary steps to ensure that Group strategy is implemented. It is responsible for human resources development. It sets the corresponding operational targets and the actions to be implemented in order to achieve them. The Vétoquinol Group has launched a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. In 2013, for the first time ever, the Company had its non-financial data audited, resulting in a certificate confirming the quality of the information reported, proof of the high standards achieved by the Company in this domain. Early in 2014, Vétoquinol was also able to confirm its eligibility for the new French personal equity plan scheme for SMEs. Pursuant to Decree no. 2014-283 dated March 4, 2014, European companies meeting specific criteria (headcount less than 5,000 and annual sales less than 1.5bn) are eligible for inclusion in the SME PEP funds. These new investments come with a tax exemption for savers after a 5-year period.