Vetoquinol Corporate brochure 2015

PRAGMATIC ORGANISATION Over 150 employees worldwide work to develop innovative new products that respond to market needs. The development of a new drug requires time (on average between five and ten years), the participation of multidisci- plinary teams and major investments of between € 3 million and € 15 million. The process remains complex and un- certain, with just 5% of candidate pro- jects becoming a drug in the long term. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION PROGRAMME Vetoquinol has implemented a “Tech- nological Innovation” programme to envision numerous paths of innovation for projects underway. This forges a firmer understanding of efficacy, toler- ance and observance. The pharmaceutical technologies with highly innovative formulations devel- oped as part of this programme are applied to different galenic forms. They are applied both in products for live- stock and for pets. Through these technological advances, Vetoquinol is able to meet the vital needs of its customers by creating new-generation drugs featuring mod- ified release, improved bioavailability, and the concealed taste of active prin- ciples for enhanced palatability. INNOVATION, A TEAM JOB The Business Development Division, Research and Medical Division, Product Project Division, and Product Develop- ment Division ... Each project is built in close collaboration by pluridisciplinary teams and a number of departments. They work together to improve internal coherence and unlock synergies. Team work is key to the Group’s success, one of its fundamental values, and vital to its long-term future. The marketing of a drug hinges on re- ceiving marketing authorisation (MA). Granted on the basis of an exhaustive file; MA proves that the product meets the requirements of the health au- thorities in terms of quality, safety and efficacy. UNE DYNAMIQUE DE CROISSANCE ENGAGED BY OUR CREATIVITY Vetoquinol seeks to strike a balance between incremental life cycle management projects, aimed at improving existing products, and highly innovative projects, heralding from Group research using disruptive new technologies. 10 11 A CULTURE OF INNOVATION THE MAIN PHASES OF VETERINARY DRUG DEVELOPMENT 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pharmacovigilance: collection and recording of any side effects Product marketing Marketing Authorisation (MA) Industrialisation: synthesis and manufacture of the dosage form Clinical evaluation: evaluation of efficacy Pre-clinical development: toxicological studies and demonstration of safety Development of candidate medicines Search for the active ingredient (molecules) Design: target and disease selection and identification of new therapeutic approaches Engaged by our creativity