Vetoquinol Corporate brochure 2015

2 MAIN MARKETS Vetoquinol relies on a clear and effec- tive organisation structure adapted to the two main animal health markets: livestock and pets. These two markets are distinguished by their marketing approaches and the needs of final cus- tomers: livestock professionals and pet owners. > Livestock Increasing demand for animal pro- teins is spurring livestock profession- als worldwide to improve productiv- ity while fully ensuring the health of their animals. Be it in the production of milk, beef or pork, Vetoquinol with its veterinary network provides advice, products and services in response to the challenges faced by livestock pro- fessionals. > For pets: The pet segment is characterised by moderate growth in mature economies and strong growth potential in emerg- ing economies. Commensurate with the unique emotional relationships be- tween owners and their pets, Vetoquinol has developed products blending effica- cy and ease of administration. The specific offer proposed to each of these two markets is the result of team work, involving country repre- sentatives working in continuous liaison with their customers and the Group functions. 4 STRATEGIC SPECIES To optimise R&D and marketing, the Group focuses on four key species: dogs, cats, cattle and pigs. RIGOROUS CHOICES IN PATHOLOGIES AND PRODUCTS Vetoquinol specifies its future products in line with market needs, trends, the intensity of the competition and the ex- pectations of customers. The offer for pets comprises anti-infec- tion products; treatments for pain and inflammation, behaviour, urinary incon- tinence, liver diseases, cardio-nephrol- ogy, external and internal anti-parasit- ics; and care and hygiene products. For livestock, major emphasis is placed on anti-infection products to address the main respiratory, digestive, loco- motor, reproductive and udder diseases, and on the corresponding anti-inflam- matory treatments. This offer is rounded out by a reproduction range and coun- try-specific products. > Infectious diseases Vetoquinol, a creator of innovative an- tibiotics, has asserted itself as a Eu- ropean leader in anti-infection prod- ucts, promoting the rational use of antibiotics. Forcyl ® , an anti-infection treatment for livestock, confirms the Group’s commitment through the SISAAB (Singe Action Short Acting Antibiotic) concept, or how to effec- tively fight against acute respiratory pathologies in cattle while minimising the risk of the development of bacteri- al resistance to antibiotics. > Pain and inflammation Vetoquinol proposes a comprehensive range of products to prevent and re- lieve pain. By contributing to animal well-being, the Group fulfils an ethical and therapeutic objective, as pain is known to have a damaging effect on health. > Cardio-nephrology Heart and kidney failure are respectively the most frequent chronic illnesses in elderly dogs and cats. Vetoquinol was one of the first laboratories to develop innovative therapeutic solutions and a range of such breadth in cardio-neph- rology. To further strengthen its ex- pertise in this field, Vetoquinol sup- ports the research teams at several veterinary schools. > Behaviour In parallel, Vetoquinol has moved into pet stress management, a mar- ket having grown considerably in the last five years. An innovative, patented product, Zylkène ® helps dogs and cats to cope with unusual and potentially disturbing situations. > Reproduction With the acquisition in 2014 of Bion- iche Animal Health, a major player in reproduction, particularly in North America, Vetoquinol proposes a com- plete range of products to support its customers from conception through to birth. UNE DYNAMIQUE DE CROISSANCE ENGAGED BY OUR PRODUCT STRATEGY Engaged by our product strategy Vetoquinol is a partner to veterinarians, helping them to propose effective solutions to pet owners and livestock professionals. The Group responds to today’s principle health problems and offers a range of increasingly effective products and services adapted continuously to changes in customer needs. 8 9 GROWTH MOMENTUM SOME OF OUR LEADING PRODUCTS > For pets: > For livestock: Tolfédine ® CS