Vetoquinol Corporate brochure 2016

VETOQUINOL’S WINNING NEW IDENTITY Vetoquinol won the Gold Medal at the Deauville Healthcare Communication Festival for its new insti- tutional campaign, deve- loped in collaboration with McCann Healthcare Agen- cy, in the «Communica- tion Corporate Branding» category. Since1933 wehavebeen afamilyownedcompany, exclusivelydedicated toanimalhealth. Tomakeefficientan imalcare easierworldwide,we expandour offerof innovativeproductsand services,andweremaintrueto whycustomerschooseus: Ourcommitmentto listen, understandanddeliveronyour needs,globallyandlocally. YOUR WORLD IS CHANGING OURCOMMITMENTREMAINSSOLID Since1933 wehavebeen afamilyownedcompany, exclusivelydedicated toanimalhealth. Tomakeefficientanimalcare easierworldwide,weexpandour offerof innovativeproductsand services,andweremaintrueto whycustomerschooseus: Ourcommitmenttolisten, understandanddeliveronyour needs,globallyandlocally. YOUR WORLD IS CHANGING OURCOMMITMENTREMAINSSOLID NOTRE PROXIMITE NOUS ENGAGE 17 PARIS MARATHON In April, 29 Vetoquinol employees took part in the Paris Marathon. Several subsidiaries of the Group were represented: France, USA, United Kingdom, Poland and Mexico. Employees from the United King- dom and the USA were running to raise money for two charities. They all gave it everything they had and reached the finish line at the end of their 26.2 mile run. ACHIEVE MORE TOG THER Since October, Vetoquinol has been marketing Permacyl ® in Europe. Permacyl ® is an injectable antibiotic from the penicillin family which is indicated for the treatment of mastitis in dairy cattle. This product is fully in line with the mastitis strategy by supplementing the Group’s product offering. NEW EQUIPMENT FOR THE WATER PURIFICATION EQUIPMENT The new «perozonation» equipment for the water purification plant at the Lure site was officially launched in September 2015. Remaining true to its values of inno- vation, Vetoquinol is the first French veterinary pharmaceutical company to implement this kind of liquid waste treatment system, which is based on hydrogen peroxide and ozone.