Vetoquinol Corporate brochure 2016

In 2016 more than ever, we commit in this way to accomplish more together. AT VETOQUINOL, WE ARE BUILDING THE FUTURE OF OUR LABORATORY ON THE TRUSTWORTHY RELATIONSHIPS WE HAVE WITH OUR PARTNERS, ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE, AND ON OUR LONG-HELD BELIEF IN CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. LAST YEAR WE LAUNCHED OUR NEW VISUAL IDENTITY, AND ITS NEW TAGLINE: ACHIEVE MORE TOGETHER. WE HAVE SIMPLY PUT INTO WORDS WHAT IT IS THAT HAS ALWAYS DRIVEN US. All of our projects are guided by our values and our belief that ani- mal health is a key element of the future of our planet. Vetoquinol teams work every day to make both people and animals happier and healthier. Together we can achieve more each day Achieve More Together: innovating to provide customer satisfaction In July 2015, our UpCard ® product was given its European community market authorisation. This product was designed to bring real improvements to animal quality of life and to the daily life of pet owners. As well as being a source of pride for our teams, this innovative product is changing the way veterina- rians treat congestive heart failure in dogs. Achieve More Together: closer to our customers, all around the world We have set up a joint venture with the leading veterinary pharmaceutical laboratory in Japan. In order to launch our brand on the 9th largest animal health market in the world, we are joining forces with Zenoaq KK and pooling our expertise and our products. Achieve More Together: making continuous improvements Listening to and understanding the needs of our customers also translates into the continuous improvement of our products and services. The launch of Flexadin ® in its soft chew presentation in 2015 is a living proof of this. Achieve More Together: supporting links between veterinarians and their customers With Vet Touch Atlas, we are enabling veterinarians to explain to pet owners and illustrate in a clear and straight- forward way, the various diseases that their pets may be suffering from. A WORD FROM THE CEO Matthieu Frechin, Chief Executive Officer 3 This philosophy is epitomised in our products, in the relationships we create with our partners and between oursel- ves, colleagues from all four corners of the world. Every day, we are develo- ping products and tools which advance Animal Health, make the daily life of breeders and pet owners who care for these animals easier, and help veteri- narians carry out their work success- fully. With this in mind, the needs of our customers are always the starting point for our ideas. Our tagline is a philosophy that is lived out every day in all our actions and in the way in which we think about our projects, improve our processes and develop our teams.