Vetoquinol corporate brochure 2017

Engaged by our future 18 ENGAGED BY OUR FUTURE ROBUST GOVERNANCE FOR LASTING SUCCESS In 2016, Vetoquinol celebrated 10 years on the stock Exchange. This major event in the Group’s history has enabled it to establish standards of excellence in terms of the quality and transparency of its financial information, a quality which can be seen being put into practice every year when the Registration Document is drawn up to comply with the requirements of the financial markets. Vetoquinol’s Social and Environmental Reporting is also part of this spirit of excellence and was thus ranked first by the GAIA* Index in 2015 and 2016. Board of Directors The Group has committed to a transpar- ent and demanding corporate govern- ance system based on the MiddleNext corporate governance code of listed companies. The Board of Directors comprises eight members, three of whom are independent directors. The Board is chaired by Etienne Frechin, who was responsible for the operational man- agement of the Vetoquinol group for over thirty years. The Audit, Remuner- ation and Strategy Committees work to supplement the information of the Board members. The Board of Directors meets as often as the interests of the company require, and at least four times a year. Executive Committee The Executive Committee, the unique management body, is chaired by Matthieu Frechin, Chief Executive Officer of Vetoquinol. It is responsible for the operational management of the Group and is assisted by eight members. The Executive Committee meets every month. It undertakes all the actions necessary to the implementation of strategy. It is tasked with enhancing the value of the Group’s human resources. It sets operational objectives and de- termines the actions required to meet those objectives. * The Gaia index was established by EthniFinance in order to evaluate extra-financial information published by issuers, in a fine-tuned approach that takes environmental, social and governance  issues into account. In particular, this index helps managers and analysts incorporate extra-financial issues into their analysis and investment decision processes. VETOQUINOL STOCK MARKET PRICE SINCE IPO 45,00 50,00 40,00 35,00 30,00 25,00 20,00 15,00 10,00 5,00 2006 0,00 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 2015 2017