Phovia is a novel way to manipulate the function of cells within the dermis and epidermis, to reduce inflammation but still accelerate regeneration.
It is a two-part system, comprising a LED lamp and a chromophore gel, used together, they produce multi-wavelength fluorescent light energy that can penetrate the skin to variable depths. Unlike other systems, Phovia is capable of triggering different beneficial responses at different levels.
The LED Lamp
The lamp is a hand-held battery unit.
Although goggles are provided for safety, the blue light is not known to be damaging to the retina.
Built-in controls make using the lamp for the correct period easy for any trained member of staff.
The Chromophore Gel
The gel contains chromophores specialised molecules that can absorb photons of directed light (from the LED lamp) and then re-emit them at different wavelengths. This produces the fluorescent light energy (FLE) that is key to how the Phovia system works.
The gel is applied to the pet's skin, and then illuminated with the lamp, resulting in the biological effects we observe as more rapid skin regeneration.