Partnerships with Vetoquinol enhance global animal health
To ensure the health and welfare of animals and Humans throughout the world, we think it is essential for stakeholders in the animal health industry to commit to a joint global approach. That’s why we’re a member of Health for Animals. This organisation represents the manufacturers of veterinary drugs, vaccines and other animal health products worldwide. It represents both corporate members and national animal health associations. It works in particular to raise awareness of animal health and its implications on human health, and to promote a harmonised, innovative animal health market to ensure quality veterinary drugs.
Vetoquinol is also a member of several local federations. This allows us to be closer to our clients and their needs. And, of course, to the culture and regulations of their countries.
Furthering research: research programmes, research grants and partnerships
We encourage research teams to form partnerships with Vetoquinol. We currently partner with private and public institutes, along with universities throughout the world. We believe partnerships with Vetoquinol are necessary to stimulate innovation. They also help us expand and deepen our scientific knowledge and make advancements in the field of animal health.
Current partnerships with Vetoquinol:
Vetoquinol's involvement in the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship programme
Deutschlandstipendium is Germany’s national scholarship programme. Since 2011, it has supported talented and capable students through university. Along with other businesses, associations and individuals, Vetoquinol is one of Deutschlandstipendium’s funders. We’ve been involved in the initiative for more than ten years now, financially supporting students of veterinary medicine. We fund five scholarships annually. This is one for each veterinary university in Germany. The students each receive a grant of €1,800 per year, which is doubled by the federal government.
But this partnership with Vetoquinol goes well beyond our financial support. We’ve also created a scholarship holders' network. Our aim is to familiarise future female veterinarians with Vetoquinol. By doing so, we make them aware of opportunities for professional development in the industry. We also establish a long-term support network between Vetoquinol and students from different universities.
Other partnerships with Vetoquinol include:
*Université de Montréal
In Canada, Vetoquinol partners with the Université de Montréal. Each year, we award the Research Excellence Prize, which is given to a member of teaching staff to recognise their work educating students in veterinary science.
* The Cimalgex Research Grant Programme
Specialist veterinarians, who work in universities or private clinics, are constantly looking to further their knowledge and advance veterinary medicine. But to do this, comparative studies are needed, and these are often complex and expensive. So, in 2014, Vetoquinol set up a research grant of €50,000 to provide funding for research that focuses on the treatment of pain.
* Yellow Pearl research project
Yellow Pearl is a three-year collaborative research project between Vetoquinol and public research teams from veterinary schools and the INRA, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research. The project has set out to discover if it’s possible to establish treatment protocols that limit the adverse effects of antibiotic therapies while retaining their effectiveness. The outcomes of this research will be used to improve scientific knowledge around the use of marbofloxacin in the treatment of bovine respiratory infections.