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27 publications

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Vétoquinol is eligible for new PEA-PME funds

Lure (France), April 2, 2014 – Vétoquinol confirms that it qualifies for the PEA-PME investment product in accordance with Decree n°. 2014-283 on 4 March 2014 reflecting the application of Article 70 of 2014 finance law (n°. 2013-1278 dated 29 December 2013) which set the conditions of companies’ eligibility for the PEA-PME

Public releases

2013 growth driven by reference products

Lure (France), March 12, 2014 – At its March 11, 2014 meeting, the Vétoquinol SA board of directors reviewed the Group results and approved the 2013 financial statements.

Public releases

Vétoquinol to acquire the animal health business of Bioniche Life Sciences Inc.

LURE, FRANCE and BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA, February 27, 2014 - Vétoquinol (NYSE Euronext Paris: VETO) and Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. (TSX: BNC), today jointly announced their signing of a share purchase agreement under which Vétoquinol has agreed to purchase Bioniche’s Animal Health business for the cash purchase price of CAD$61 million.

Public releases

7.8% organic growth in Q4 2013

The Vétoquinol Group posted Q4 2013 sales of €80.1 million, up +7.8% like for like from Q4 2012.

Public releases

Jean-Yves RAVINET appointed Group Chief Operating Officer

Lure (France), January 7, 2014 – The Vétoquinol Group announces the appointment of Jean-Yves Ravinet as Group Chief Operating Officer.

Public releases

Mis en oeuvre des recommandations AFEP/MEDEF du 6 octobre 2008 sur les rémunérations des dirigeants mandataires sociaux des sociétés cotées

Lors de sa réunion du 5 décembre 2008, le Conseil d’administration a pris connaissance des recommandations AFEP-MEDEF du 8 octobre 2008 sur la rémunération des dirigeants sociaux des sociétés cotées.

Public releases

Vétoquinol strengthens its position in Europe with the acquisition of Ascor Chimici in Italy

Vétoquinol announces the signing of a contract to acquire 100 percent of the shares of Ascor Chimici S.r.l, which will take effect on 1 December 2008.

Public releases

Revenues for the first nine months of 2008

Revenues increased by 3.1% during the first 9 months of 2008 to 171.2 million euros (4.8% on a like-for-like basis).

Public releases

Vétoquinol: 2008 results expected to be in line with objectives

At its meeting of 25 August 2008, the Board of Directors of Vétoquinol S.A. reviewed the Group’s operations and approved the financial statements for
the first half of 2008.

Public releases

2008 Interim Revenues increase by 5%

Vétoquinol generated revenues of 116.7 million euros in the first half of 2008, a 5% increase over the 111.1 million euros
reported the previous year.

Public releases